January 31, 2012

What is infertility

It is an indisputable fact that fertility in women decreases as they get older. About 20 years old woman has the best chance to become pregnant in a natural cycle, with a probability of about 25%. From the point of fertility decline gradually and so on, with a significant decrease of about 37-38 years.

So, what is infertility? For women it usually is the inability to get pregnant after Trying for about a year; for men, the inability to impregnate.

As we have seen, these are average figures. Fertility of some women can lose before, while others may remain fertile in their forties.

The whole process is associated with decreased oocyte reserve, and a reduction in oocyte quality, which is manifested as an increased number of chromosomal anomalies in oocytes.

Why is age so important?

There are various reasons why there are fewer live births in women over age 40:

* It is a fact widely recognized that the emergence of a fetus with chromosomal anomaly is much more common in older women, especially those over age 35. One of the most famous of these is a chromosomal anomaly that causes Down syndrome. Chromosomal anomalies contribute greatly to the increase in miscarriage rate for older women.

* All the energy needed for cell division and growth of the embryo is provided by the tiny organelles called mitochondria in the ovum. As women get older, their eggs contain less and less mitochondria, and as a result of the embryo has a reduced supply of energy for its development, and while it is true that the fetus will result in the mitochondria itself when it reaches a certain point of development, if the embryo does not have enough energy for up to to the point that will stop growing, which will result in failure to implant, failure in cell division, or miscarriage.

* If a woman does not have a menstrual period, or it is not regular, ovulation usually absent or irregular. The absence of ovulation will result in total sterility. Ovulation usually can be corrected by treatment with drugs. If the problem is the exhaustion of ovarian reserve, one solution could be to use donated eggs or embryos.

Read more about Having A Baby At 40

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